BE A MAN – Eve tease

BE A MAN - Eve tease

Be a MAN – Eve tease

Every time I walk out my home, to take a breeze
There are always some sleazy men, who are there to EVE tease
Give me the power ‘Oh my lord ‘, that time please
That I could burn those dirty men and make them freeze
SO I could hit them hard , between their knees

Am I just worth a sleazy comment and vulgar tease?
How long should I remain the victim of that frustrated man’s, s*xual starvation and disease?
I refuse to being cut every day, from an ugly knife like a cheese.
I want to feel strong again, like I please
Want to inhale that freedom air again, from those trees.

P.S : MARD ( Men Against Rape & Discrimination)

Created by :Anup D.