That helpless summer day
When I admitted I’m a gay
Breaking my deepest silence to say
My thoughts were going from green to grey

Biggest regret of dying is not to admit oneself, before they decay
When I accepted I’m different, I realized I had to convey
Like the mother earth accepts, even the most cunning Sun’s ray
I just hoped, I’ll also be loved and accepted one day

Why did my mother taken up an endless fast to pray?
Why my daddy came back home running from his office, even leaving his pay
Why even my best friend is saying, ‘What’s wrong with you, are you OK?’
Is that just because I have accepted myself today?


If I was born a Gay, were you born hateful?
Please respect my feelings too, and I’ll be grateful

So what if I love the color Pink
Is that enough reason for you to ignore my presence, even faster than your eyes could blink?

I have been tired of this dual life and living a life of Straight
I have finally come to my peaceful conclusion, before hitting my cemetery gate
My soul won’t be trapped within me, like a helpless prison’s mate
Can I have the liberty to accept myself, after my long internal debate?

P.s: Disclaimer: Hint, author is completely straight, and believes in LIVE & LET LIVE.

@Authored by-Anup D.

RAGING BULL- Aggression !

RAGING BULL- Aggression !

Our youth and rage
Drinking at our sober age
Working all our life for just a wage
That’s like sweet prison and cage
Then getting old and sage
Passing through those grey hair and wrinkled age
We are finally consumed, at this life’s theater stage

But they still say empty half glass, is still full
What about our unfulfilled dreams, shedding like sheep’s wool?
But aggression is useless, without a direction pull
Raging bull, raging bull, raging bull!

Created by : Anup D.