ATTITUDE- a state of mind !

ATTITUDE- a state of mind !

So what if life teaches ‘itself’, with punches and blow
Keep standing up each day and go with the flow

So what if somewhere an Iceberg melts, with the Sun’s angry show
It only adds , the pure white snow to glow and glow

That’s why regardless of thousand shitting crow
Grass still remains awesome green my friend, so say ‘yo yo’

My teacher once called me ‘a DUMB’, cos I learned my grammar lessons slow
Wait a little my dear teacher, before you see me hosting the biggest talk show

Everyone would try and run u down somehow, with their logic and rational flow
Listen to all of them; consume their hard words, punches and blow
But believe in yourself and don’t let it go
Tortoise still wins the race, even If the rabbit puts the most glamorous show

Cos Winning is an ATTITUDE you know!

Created by : Anup D.